Monday 15 September 2014

Decide Your Destiny

"Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny".

decide your destiny

Born on 1945, Bob Marley is certainly a famous personality who is known for his work in music industry. Regardless of his professional life, Bob Marley kept people especially his fans attentive by his imposing words that can become the reason for change in ones life very easily. One of the most inspirational sayings by Bob Marley is:

There is no doubt that God has created our destiny. However, one should also not forget that God has also enabled us to change our destiny if we are not satisfied with whatever we have or for whatever we want in our life. The intention of my words is to let you people think that you can create your own destiny in the way that God allowed us.

what is destiny

In fact, every one in the world wants to bring some sort of change in life whether it is related to life style, selection of friend or choosing the particular academic discipline. I think, there is no single person who accepts the life as it is and does not even wish to bring any such change. This is human nature that he wants betterment and change your destiny while thinking positive; it may be in any manner or related to any aspect of life. God has created human and He knows his nature well. And certainly God likes people who raise voice against anything that is not good in his personal life or even in the whole society. So, what does it mean? It means that God wants you to decide your life, to decide your destiny while living in His ways or somewhat limitations. No matter which region you belong to, but it is your right to decide what is related to your life. It is your right by birth to change your destiny to the right direction.

Once you know what is right and wrong, once you choose your right path that leads to the right direction, the next task is that you should trust your destiny; trust the way that you have decided and chosen. Even God likes those who trust. In fact, trust right for right and wrong for wrong is what that makes a man successful. To trust, you have to know what is right and what is wrong. There is no end to knowledge. Wisdom allows you to know reality, it helps you to choose your way, to change your destiny and to trust your destiny till the end without losing hope at any stage.
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